Consecutive matching grants or queued matches are sequential matching grants that start as soon as another match ends. Queuing matching grants to go one after the other is a great strategic approach to building momentum for a fundraising campaign. As shown in the example below, the goal of consecutive or queued matches is to automatically have a new match start once one ends.
You can build queued matches during the match setup process in your Match Manager.
The first step to setting up your queued matches is figuring out the correct order you would like your matches to go in.
Please note, once you create your queued matches, it's difficult to rearrange the order. You want to make sure you have your final complete order before creating your queued matches.
Once you have the order of the matches, you will want to head to your Match Manager and create your first match. Your first match is the jumping-off point for all of the other matches. This will be the match that starts off all of your queued matching grants. You will want to create your first match like you would any other match.
After you have created your first match, you can now set up your next matches to be queued after each other.
Start the process of creating your second match. During the setup of the second match, underneath TITLE you will now see an option called “Queue this grant to begin immediately after another grant completes”:
Enable this option. Once that option is enabled, the start date and time will be replaced with a drop-down option to choose what already-created match you would like your new match to start right after:
Using the example above, our new match will start as soon as Match ID 104 has ended. As a reminder, a match can end by either having its goal met or by reaching its end date/time.
After you have selected the starting match, enter the end date or time.
Please note, queued matches cannot have the same end date/time as each other. Your queued match should have a later end date/time than the previous match in case you do not meet your match goal. The example below will explain further:
Match 1
- Starts 4/1 at 12PM
- Ends 4/30 at 8PM
Match 2
- Queued to start after Match 1
- Ends 4/30 at 8PM
In the example above, Match 2 is queued to start after Match 1 and has the same end date/time as Match 1. Let's say by the end of Match 1, Match 1 has not met its goal. Since it has not met its goal, the match will automatically close at the set end date/time (4/30 at 8PM).
Since Match 2 is queued to start when Match 1 ends, that means that Match 2 will automatically start and then get automatically closed because it has that same end date/time.
That is why it is important to make sure you set up your next queued match to end AFTER the end date of the previous match.
Match 1
- Starts 4/1 at 12PM
- Ends 4/30 at 8PM
Match 2
- Queued to start after Match 1
- Ends 5/1 at 8PM
After you have entered your end date/time, you can continue your setup and create the match. When your match is created you will see it listed in your Upcoming Matches section:
To create additional queued matches, you will want to duplicate the same process as your second match, however you will want to make sure that you select the correct starting match. The starting match is the match you want your new match to start after.
For example, when building our third match we are setting it to start after Match 2 has ended.
If you have any further questions about creating queued matches, please contact our support team for assistance!
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